Dec 21, 2010

Concursos de Belleza, parte 2

Primero las Barbies en Venezuela.

Ahora, concursos de belleza de camellos, en los Emiratos. No hay caso, la belleza está en el ojo del observador.

Nearly 20,000 camels from the UAE and other Gulf Arab countries have converged on Abu Dhabi’s western region for one of the world’s biggest camel beauty contests involving prizes worth nearly Dh35 million ($9.5 million).

The camels have been brought from various parts of the UAE as well as neighbouring Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and other Gulf nations for the week-long beauty competition in the western town of Dhafra. [...]

Somalia, one of the poorest Arab nations, emerged as the richest in camels, which were estimated at around 7.13 million, just below half of the combined Arab camel wealth, said AOAD, an affiliate of the Cairo-based Arab League. [...]

Debe ser el famoso PBC (Producto Bruto Camélido). Imagino que entrevistarán a los camellos finalistas y les harán pruebas de habilidad, tocar el piano, etc. Espero que los jueces no se fijen solamente en los atributos superficiales.

No hagan chistes de camel toes, por favor, estamos para más que eso.


  1. Old lady, nadie comenta este post ? Con lo que me costó encontrar la foto del camello !

  2. Los resultados de prohibir los concursos de belleza.


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