Feb 11, 2011

En los circulos en los que me muevo...

Dear Roberto,

The title of my memoir, Known and Unknown, comes from a Pentagon press briefing I gave in 2002. In response to a question about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, I explained that the information available to those in government is almost always incomplete. The same is also true for journalists and pundits who shape the conventional wisdom about recent history.

I believe you'll find some things in this book that you didn't know before, or that differ from what you've read or heard or assumed. You may also be surprised by my take on historic events, from my years in Congress during the civil rights struggle and the Vietnam War, through my time as secretary of defense during the age of terrorism.

I'm proud of my service in George W. Bush's administration, and one of my goals is to shed new light on the tough choices President Bush faced in the years following 9/11. Since human memory is fallible, I have based the book on thousands of primary documents about what we really knew at the time -- including previously classified memos about al-Qaida, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

For me, Known and Unknown has been a labor of love, not a profit-making venture. All of my proceeds will go to the military charities supported by the Rumsfeld Foundation.

You'll find an excerpt from the book and a wealth of supporting documents at my website, www.rumsfeld.com. I hope you will take a look. You can also click here to order Known and Unknown in hardcover, audio book or ebook.

Warm regards,
Don Rumsfeld


  1. ya tengo regalo para mi cara mitad para Valentine´s... (aunque sea un dia que detesto yo y mi marido odia! jaja)

    muy bueno... cambiando de tema.. a mi me impresiona como en este pais la gente contesta las cartas... ya se, un ejercito de secretarios.. pero se toman la molestia de contestar cada carta!!! (si mi hija escribe a la Casa Blanca le contestan, si yo escribo a la autora de unos libros, me contesta el email.. and so on, so on.. hasta Rumsfeld le contesta a Roberto!)

  2. Dos potencias se saludan.

    Yo ya estoy considerando muy seriamente la compra de mi Kindle 3G para ir en colectivo en el conurbano.

  3. no, no escribi nada, Dolores, es solo propaganda "personalizada"


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