Jan 25, 2012

De la sección “Cómo te cambia la vida”

Julian Assange, el paladín de la libertad y revelador de los secretos más oscuros de las democracias, tendrá su propio programa.

En la TV estatal de Rusia, cuna de la transparencia y la defensa del periodismo libre e independiente:
That’s right: Assange, self-styled foe of government secrets and conspiracies of the powerful, is going to be a star on a TV network backed by the Kremlin. The same Kremlin that has done suspiciously little to investigate or prevent the killings and beatings of journalists that have plagued Russia for more than a decade. The same Kremlin accused of blatant fraud in December’s parliamentary elections. The same Kremlin whose control of the country’s broadcast media allowed it to suppress coverage of the massive protests mounted in response to that fraud. The same Kremlin whose embrace of corruption led to Russia being named “the world’s most corrupt major economy” by Transparency International in 2011. [...]

Actually, though, maybe it makes sense. After all, Assange has said “it’s an international disgrace that so few western journalists have been killed in the course of duty, or have been arrested in the course of duty.” Russian journalists certainly aren’t disgraceful in that regard: They’ve been dying by the dozens, and their murders are seldom solved: Only three of the 33 murders of journalists committed in Russia since 1993 have been solved, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

In November 2010, in response to reports that Wikileaks was on the verge of releasing documents that would incriminate powerful Russian politicians and companies, Assange told my colleague Andy Greenberg that “we have material on many business and governments, including in Russia.” As is frequently the case with Assange, no such documents have ever emerged. Anyone want to bet on the chances that’ll ever happen now?
Lo dijimos varias veces por acá a propósito de este pajarito y su wikileaks... a EE.UU., investigaciones implacables; a los rusos, los chinos o los iraníes, felaciones matutinas.


  1. que asco de tipo!!!!!

  2. Don Louis... Qué boquita!

  3. Mi bonhomía me obliga a aclarar que este post se lo envié yo a Luis por mail, y que en el original la palabra estaba en cuestión estaba en inglés y sonaba mas fuerte aún.

    Y ahora me voy silbando bajito.

  4. @Louis: Nooo, para nada. Digo, qué boquita que hay que tener para atender a tanta gente!

    Pubrecitu el cucudrilu...

    @Mike: Usté es un verdadero shentleman!


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