May 30, 2012

Pasto de gusanos

End game para Chavez ? :
This reporter has been told that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive cancer that has "entered the end stage". The information and the quote come from a highly respected source close to Chavez and who is in a position to know his medical condition and history. This source says the prognosis is dire and that Chavez is now not expected to live "more than a couple of months at most." Chavez is running for re-elec tion in Venezuela but several sources--including the one who revealed the exact kind of cancer-- have told me that they believe it is doubtful the dictator will live to see the results.
Nunca se está demasiado preparado.


  1. Espero que le hagan varios agujeros al jonca para que los pobres gusanos puedan salir a vomitar.

  2. Me encanto el photshop, me muero de risa, podrian agregarle llamas? Habria que darselo al chupaculo de Paz.


    1. All hail Emperor Penn! Ruler of Banania.

  4. Permítanme que no celebre hasta verlo en capilla ardiente, por si las dudas

  5. Larga vida al comandante. Digo así porque hace 4 o 5 años salí a festejar lo que decían era la inminente desaparición de Fidel Castro. Y hoy el hdp sigue vivito y coleando.

  6. Che... no le deseen la muerte a nadie...

    (Aunque quisera estar al lado de San Pedro, cuando intente subir... la patada en el orto que le va a dar será es-pec-ta-cu-lar).



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