Aug 23, 2012

Why are you Liberal?

My earliest political recollection is from the early 1920s, when I just starting school and there was a general election in England. At that time the two main parties were the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. Between them there was still a vestigial Liberal Party -a remnant of what had once been the only serious alternative to the Conservatives. I remember the boys at school asked me, and each other, for which party our parents were woting. I asked my father and he said, "We voted Liberal. This caused some puzzlement, as the overwhelming majority were by then Conservative or Labour. "Why are you Liberal?". My father, without a moment of hesitation, replieed, "Because we have too much money to be Labour and not enough to be Conservative". 
De las memorias de Bernard Lewis, "Notes on a century".


  1. Lewis un genio total. Polémico pero un erudito como pocos.

    ¿Qué tal está este libro?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ...hayan desaparecido. Respetuosamente, Don Freeman.

    3. Gracias y disculpe, Anónimo. A veces -más de las que uno quisiera- en la velocidad de la escritura se escapan los horrores ortográficos.

    4. Leí este comentario, que posteó un amigo, en Facebook, me encantó y lo subí.

      Me parece que habla mucho de hacia dónde y cómo viró el mundo el hecho de que se divida el voto entre conservadores y social-demócrates en el siglo XX, y hayan desaparecido los liberales.

      No leí el libro, estoy tratando de conseguirlo.
      Se aceptan donaciones.


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