Sep 6, 2012

País generoso

The fun just doesn't stop in Argentina: With less than three weeks to spare, its congress has declared Sept. 24th to be a new national holiday. That will give the South American nation 19 holidays this year.
The new one honors the Battle of Tucuman, when revolutionary war hero Manuel Belgrano led his troops to victory against royalist forces during Argentina's struggle for independence from Spain in 1812.

With 19 paid national holidays this year, Argentina now tops Colombia's 18 as the most in Latin America. And it is among the most generous worldwide, according to a 2011 study by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. 

Que no me pregunten a a mí, te aviso. Que para mí la Batalla de Tucumán debería ser feriado mundial.


  1. Después de los que nos hicieron los colombianos pasándonos en el PBI teníamos que devolvérselas de alguna manera, ahora tenemos un feriado mas que ellos, Colombia in your face

  2. No era que no se festejaban las guerras?

  3. Batiendo un nuevo record cada día, como Cuba.
    Si nuestros padres fundadores nos vieran!!!


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