Nov 30, 2012

Siria, sin internet ni celulares

La dictadura siria le bajó la palanca a Internet y la telefonía celular en todo el país. Se especula con una ofensiva de tropas del gobierno, de la que no quieren que haya evidencia.
Internet service went down on Thursday across Syria and international flights were canceled at the Damascus airport when a road near the facility was closed by heavy fighting in the country's civil war.
Activists said President Bashar Assad's regime pulled the plug on the Internet, perhaps in preparation for a major offensive. Cellphone service also went out in Damascus and parts of central Syria, they said. The government blamed rebel fighters for the outages. [...]
Argentina : 60 años estrechando vínculos con sátrapas de todo el orbe
Foto afanada de El RejunteI.IL
 The Internet outage, confirmed by two US-based companies that monitor online connectivity, is unprecedented in Syria's 20-month-old uprising against Assad, which activists say has killed more than 40,000 people.


  1. Me imagino que ya están Armando protestas frente a la embajada. BTW, ¿puede pasar algo así en Argentina?

  2. Creo que Assad perdió. Yetatore le dió la mano, al igual que Gadaffi (terminó ensartado y muerto), al igual que al loco Chávez (con cáncer).

  3. Realmente no se que planes tiene Israel con Irán. Lo atacarán algún día?


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