Jan 26, 2013

Muy bueno

De "Storm Corrosion", el proyecto de Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) y Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth). Un disco muy tranquilo y ambient, sin metal (no kidding).

"Drag Ropes", una historia de amor, con una animación simple y sorprendentemente muy efectiva. No lo calificaría como anti-religioso, sino mas bien como anti-fanático. Juzguen ustedes. Duración : 10 minutos. La letra, después del break.

Now my dear friend
Now for your sins
You're to suffer
Here it begins

Drag ropes forward
Shame will save you
Out moves inward
Turn of the screw

Gallows free you
Dawn's release
Hood to blind you
Be at peace

I was immortal but I am your friend
To stay and be beside you
Always here (I'm human too)
And always with you now

Lies are manifold and the truth can now be told [repeat]

Now my dear friend
Now for your sins
You're to suffer
Here it begins

I was immortal but I am your friend ('til the end)
To stay and be beside you
Always here (I grieve for you)
I'm always with you now


  1. I loved the song. And the Opilady in the post right below approves of this clip.

    Religion aside, you can't deny Christian churches ROCK. When it comes to music videos, they are the Studio 54 of temples. Nothing exciting ever seem to happen at mosques. Or synagogues.

    1. Totally agree with u, Valeria. Christians have great performers and composers, if not the BEST (Alex Acuña, Abe Laboriel [Senior & Jounior], Lincoln Goines, Michael W. Smith, and so on].

  2. BTW, liked the song.

  3. http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1549290-a-mi-no-me-grita-nadie-dijo-el-peon-y-mato-a-su-patron-de-un-escopetazo
    Lean los comentarios, les reto a que lean los comentarios. ¿No podemos pedirle a Corea del Norte que use a este país de blanco de tiro para sus armas atómicas?


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