Nov 28, 2011

Y dale con Don Milton

¿Quién fue el precursor de muchas de las medidas que después pasaron a ser asociadas con la izquierda?

It may seem paradoxical that an essentially autocratic and aristocratic state such as pre—World War I Germany—in today's jargon, a right-wing dictatorship—should have led the way in introducing measures that are generally linked to socialism and the Left. But there is no paradox—even putting to one side Bismarck's political motives. Believers in aristocracy and socialism share a faith in centralized rule, in rule by command rather than by voluntary cooperation. They differ in who should rule: whether an elite determined by birth or experts supposedly chosen on merit. Both proclaim, no doubt sincerely, that they wish to promote the well-being of the "general public," that they know what is in the "public interest" and how to attain it better than the ordinary person. Both, therefore, profess a paternalistic philosophy. And both end up, if they attain power, promoting the interests of their own class in the name of the "general welfare."

(Viene de acá)


  1. Muchachos,
    ya renunciaron a los subsidios??

    A seguir pagándolos??

  2. Yo renuncié a la rubia de la foto porque usa botas blancas.

  3. A juzgar por las opiladies parece que don Milton tenía la idea fifa.

  4. Figarillo, excelente el formulario de renuncia. Habría que promocionarlo más.

    Enmascarado, no me molestan las botas blancas de la rubia, es más, puede dejarse las botas puestas.


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