Dec 15, 2004

The Plague of Postmodernism

Guillermo de Sine Metu me mandó un artículo muy interesante sobre el postmodernismo: The Plague of Postmodernism, by Edward W. Younkins. Esto viene muy al caso para tratar de entender algo que me interesa mucho: ¿por qué tantos intelectuales y académicos rechazan la modernidad?

Un adelanto:
Postmodernism is the irrational response of today's intellectuals to the failure of socialism both in theory and in practice. It is through the doctrine of postmodernism that these thinkers and politicians can continue their beliefs in many of the ideas that underpinned the failed worldview of socialism. Postmodernism embodies the most distressing and detrimental conditions that Ayn Rand observed and predicted about contemporary and future society.

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