Jan 27, 2005


Muy interesante artículo en USA Today sobre los blogs y sus paralelismos históricos:

Chill, blogophiles; you're not the first to do what you're doing

Thomas Paine was basically a blogger — in 1776. Martin Luther's version of blogs totally ticked off the Holy Roman Emperor, who issued the Edict of Worms banning Luther's writings. Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense. George Orwell was a blogger. So was Brian Lamb, the guy who started C-Span.

Blogs are really an Internet phenomenon of just the past couple of years. But the essence — the je ne sais quoi— of blogs is that an emerging technology makes it possible for individuals outside the mainstream media to reach an audience. Blogs can be subversive, giving rise to ideas or arguments that would otherwise stay buried.

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