Mar 9, 2005


Kifaya: “Enough” in Arabic:

“…advocate and sociologist Dr Saad Al Din Ebrahim, [kifaya, Arabic for enough] is fast becoming a mantra for millions of Arabs wanting to seize their own destiny.

Certainly the slogan has surfaced in banners carried into those street demonstrations, but more important it has now found its way on television shows, read in opinion columns by Arab pundits and certainly advocated by millions of Arabs in the privacy of their homes from Casablanca to Riyadh.

Could this one word be a harbinger of a muscular popular Arab revolt such as the movement that guided millions of people in Eastern Europe in shedding their tired old despotic regimes after the fall of the Soviet Union?

1 comment:

  1. ¿será que al fin viene, de la mano de dubya, la perestroika islámica?


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