Jul 7, 2005

Bombas en Londres

Leo en CNN que explotaron por lo menos 4 bombas en el sistema de transporte de Londres. Parece que hay por lo menos 40 muertos y muchos heridos. Confirmaron que se trata de ataques terroristas. Que horror, sinceramente.

No se pierdan el seguimiento que están haciendo en Instapundit, con blogs de Inglaterra y demás.


Honestamente espero que todo esto sirva para reforzar la determinación inglesa de combatir el terrorismo en todos los campos, a diferencia de lo que pasó en España:

It is doubtful that these attacks will influence British policy, at least in any way favorable to al Qaeda or its ideological allies. Londoners are no strangers to terror attacks. According to the MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base, there have been 126 terrorist incidents in London since the late Sixties, making it among the most targeted European capitals. (Note: There have been 309 attacks in Paris over the same period.) London has been attacked not only by the IRA, but also the Popular Front for the Liberation, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Abu Nidal Group, and now al Qaeda. Not to mention the Blitz during World War II. If Hitler's Luftwaffe could not break Britain's will, what chance do the terrorists have?

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