Jan 18, 2006

Wanted: Saddam

Jonah Goldberg sostiene que Irán necesita un Saddam Hussein:

What Iran needs is a Saddam Hussein.

Or at least it needs the sort of leader antiwar liberals claimed Saddam Hussein represented. Unlike the secular Saddam, Iran's president is a religious whack job. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes that the Holocaust was a myth and that Israel needs to be "wiped off the map," and — it is widely rumored — he belongs to a sect that believes in fomenting chaos and violence in order to hasten the arrival of the End Times.

None of this would be a big deal if Ahmadinejad were the president of Belize or if he were a toll booth attendant on the New Jersey Turnpike or both. The problem is that he runs a country which everyone acknowledges is fast on its way to getting nuclear weapons, exports more terror than pistachios, sits on top of vast oil wealth, and resides at the crossroads of Islamic terror.

More important, Ahmadinejad isn't alone. He is merely the head of an entire regime that, to one extent or another, buys into his nuttier-than-a-Snickers-bar ideology.

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