Feb 21, 2006

Posponer la Realidad

Insisto en la claridad y sentido común de Thomas Sowell. En su última columna habla de los riesgos que implica no enfrentar la realidad y dejar que los problemas sigan creciendo. Se refiere en concreto al sistema educativo de los EE.UU., pero creo que aplica perfectamente a otros órdenes de la vida y a países como Argentina:

Let's face it: Reality can be stressful and can sometimes get very rough. Everyone has an incentive to postpone it. Most of us, however, learn the hard way that postponing reality only makes it far worse than facing it early on.

The problem gets more complicated in politics, where one set of people has the power to postpone facing reality and a different set of people have to pay the price later on.

Our educational system is a classic example. Nothing is easier than to lower the standards today, avoiding all sorts of problems that arise with students and their parents when higher standards are imposed.

1 comment:

  1. Mira que de acuerdo estoy con Sowell a propósito de posponer la realidad, intentar evitarla, o ignorarla:



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