Mar 23, 2006

Corea del Norte

Más de Liberty Bell sobre un favorito de los progres de todo el mundo, Corea del Norte. Pensar que hay ONGs en EE.UU. que viajan a ese país y después publican informes sobre las maravillas del sistema, sugiriendo que los EE.UU. adopten ciertos aspectos del modelo:

A doctor who defected form Communist-controlled North Korea told a human rights panel on Wednesday that few disabled people are living in the Asian nation because physicians kill any newborn babies with physical disabilities shortly after birth.

Ri Kwang-ch told the panel that infanticide of disabled babies is widespread, but said he didn't participate in the practice before fleeing the country last year.

"There are no people with physical defects in North Korea," Ri told members of the New Right Union, a group that partners human rights activists with North Korean refugees.

According to a Reuters report, Ri said disabled babies were killed in hospitals or homes and quickly buried. He indicated the North Korean government encourages the practice to "purify" its population and get rid of people who are "different."

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