Apr 5, 2006

The Federal Bureau of Luddites

Hoy veo este artículo sobre el FBI en Instapundit. La verdad es que impresiona, parece la SIDE:

Two weeks ago, the FBI's chief information officer admitted that the bureau couldn't afford to provide e-mail addresses for 8,000 of its 30,000 employees. The e-mail shortfall is only the latest in a series of embarrassed confessions the FBI has made about its information technology. The most significant mea culpa came when an attempt to upgrade the bureau's case-management software had to be scrapped last year after $170 million had already been spent. A Justice Department report listed all kinds of excuses, from poor "enterprise architecture" planning to shifting design requirements. But behind the management analysis is a more implacable problem. Until very recently, being computer-savvy hasn't been considered much of an asset in the FBI, and clues were something you kept to yourself.

1 comment:

  1. No fecking way! No tenía ni idea de esto! Así no sería de extrañar que se les escapen "pistas"!! ¿Cómo pasan estas cosas en un país tan puntero en aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías?! Shocking!!


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