Más sobre la inmigración de The Economist. No es cierto que los inmigrantes vengan a sacarles puestos de trabajo a los norteamericanos ni tampoco es cierto que los inmigrantes vienen a hacer trabajos que los norteamericanos no están dispuestos a hacer. Pero no hay duda de que la inmigración ilegal tiene un impacto en el salario real de los trabajadores con menor preparación del país:
EVERY now and again America, a nation largely made up of immigrants and their descendants, is gripped by a furious political row over whether and how it should stem the flood of people wanting to enter the country. It is in the midst of just such a quarrel now. Congress is contemplating the erection of a wall along stretches of the Mexican border and a crackdown on illegal workers, as well as softer policies such as a guest-worker programme for illegal immigrants. Some of the arguments are plain silly. Immigration's defenders claim that foreigners come to do jobs that Americans won't—as if cities with few immigrants had no gardeners. Its opponents say that immigrants steal American jobs—succumbing to the fallacy that there are only a fixed number of jobs to go around.
One common argument, though not silly, is often overstated: that immigration pushes down American workers' wages, especially among high-school dropouts. It isn't hard to see why this might be. Over the past 25 years American incomes have become less equally distributed, typical wages have grown surprisingly slowly for such a healthy economy and the real wages of the least skilled have actually fallen. It is plausible that immigration is at least partly to blame, especially because recent arrivals have disproportionately poor skills. In the 2000 census immigrants made up 13% of America's pool of workers, but 28% of those without a high-school education and over half of those with eight years' schooling or less.
lo dije ayer en Argenpundit... pero en castellano y no soy el Economist ni el WSJ... pero bueh! me alegra tener respaldo...
ReplyDeleteTe lo decía Luis por mail con respecto al problema de transporte, te acordás? de la ausencia de camioneros disponibles... es una señal de desarrollo de una sociedad... pero no cualquier inmigrante puede cubrir esa necesidad... de hecho los ilegales no pueden...
Es necesaria la inmigración, pero controlada!!!! y lo de la postura fifí de los yankees es un MITO!!!
Yo quiero ver que opina Tom Sowell. Es uno de los pocos analistas conservativos serios.
ReplyDeleteTe sugiero que leas este post:
ReplyDelete"Por qué europa debe integrar a sus inmigrantes"