Jun 30, 2006

Go Ukranian

La progresía, siempre tan democrática. La democracia es democracia sólo cuando ganan los que yo creo que tienen que ganar. Hoy leo en Ace of Spades las declaraciones de este profesor de la NYU:

We bring your attention to New York University Professor of Culture and Communication Mark Crispin Miller's assertion that the 2006 election will be 'stolen' (just as the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections were 'stolen,' according to the professor) and the need for the people to rise up -- like the Ukranians did -- and revolt.

Professor Crispin writes: (emphasis added)
Alright, let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the Repubs are right, as are most Democrats and the media, when they insist that the election was legitimate. Fine.

We're going to give them one more chance to hold elections that are credible. We're going to throw ourselves into this next election, getting out as many voters as we can.

And so, when the Repubs win yet again, surprisingly maintaining their control of Congress, notwithstanding their subterranean approval ratings, we will be prepared to note all the anomalies and improprieties -- and, at long last, to SAY NO. As this will have been the fourth election cycle ravaged by Bush/Cheney since 2000, Americans must finally go Ukrainian, and just refuse to acknowledge BushCo's latest "win."

Where that may take us I can't say. But it is something that, it seems to me, we have to do, or else we don't deserve to call ourselves the citizens of a republic.

There you have it -- straight from one of the great minds in the Academy.

No me van a decir que no es extraordinario. De acuerdo a este señor, para que las elecciones sean creíbles los republicanos tienen que perder. La esencia de la democracia.

Pero por supuesto, las ideas y los candidatos progresistas NO PUEDEN PERDER en elecciones libres. Si pierden, la única explicación que cabe es el fraude. ¿Mesiánicos nosotros? Nah, te debe parecer.

1 comment:

  1. La verdad que Ucrania estaba de regalo en la segunda ronda. Hoy por suerte se fueron, y goleados.
    No vuelvan hasta no presentar un equipo decente.


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