Jul 17, 2006

Este autor se pregunta si Hezbollah no encontró la horma de su zapato. Espero sinceramente que tenga razón:

The Israeli dismantling of Iran's expeditionary force in Lebanon -- Hezbollah -- began in earnest over the weekend.

Hezbollah played its big card when it carried out the carefully planned kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers.

Now it's Israel's turn.

The bombing of the Beirut International Airport was brilliant. It had heretofore been used routinely to bring in weapons and supplies for Hezbollah and to move forces. It was the main "bridge" between Syria and Iran and its client "army." With the airport down and a naval blockade in place the IDF is able to concentrate on anything that moves on the ground in the Bekka Valley and throughout Lebanon. They have already interdicted the bridges and road system and are now able to use their electronic intelligence (ELINT) assets to watch for any movement off the roads and under the cover of darkness.

It will be interesting over the next few days to see how many large ground-to-ground missiles Hezbollah can fire. Some stores of these missiles have already been destroyed in air strikes and the movement and preparation of these missiles to fire is difficult to hide. Now we will have a firmer sense of just how many missiles Hezbollah has beyond the small rockets which are in effect relatively inaccurate artillery shells.


  1. A mí por ahora me pusieron a prueba como KDT, me pagan con tickets canasta, pero espero hacer carrera.

  2. Confieso que yo tambien soy agente del Mossad y que veo judeofobos por todos lados y reacciono mal.
    Y todo por unos miseros shekels....
    a vos te parece?????


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