Jul 17, 2006

It's Our War

WHY IS THIS ARAB-ISRAELI WAR different from all other Arab-Israeli wars? Because it's not an Arab-Israeli war. Most of Israel's traditional Arab enemies have checked out of the current conflict. The governments of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are, to say the least, indifferent to the fate of Hamas and Hezbollah. The Palestine Liberation Organization (Fatah) isn't a player. The prime mover behind the terrorist groups who have started this war is a non-Arab state, Iran, which wasn't involved in any of Israel's previous wars.

What's happening in the Middle East, then, isn't just another chapter in the Arab-Israeli conflict. What's happening is an Islamist-Israeli war. You might even say this is part of the Islamist war on the West--but is India part of the West? Better to say that what's under attack is liberal democratic civilization, whose leading representative right now happens to be the United States.

An Islamist-Israeli conflict may or may not be more dangerous than the old Arab-Israeli conflict. Secular Arab nationalism was, after all, also capable of posing an existential threat to Israel. And the Islamist threat to liberal democracy may or may not turn out to be as dangerous as the threats posed in the last century by secular forms of irrationalism (fascism) and illiberalism (communism). But it is a new and different threat. One needs to keep this in mind when trying to draw useful lessons from our successes, and failures, in dealing with the threats of the 20th century.

(Seguir leyendo)


  1. Let's just leave it at saying the war is pretty useless in general and it's pretty much impossible to kill an idea, and also very difficult to fight off people who are perfectly willing to die, and kill themselves when you're trying to do the same (not that I am or am in favor of it, but they do!)

    Such silliness. And sadness.

    Peace in the middle east

  2. yeah yeah yeah...going to the moon was difficult too

  3. Ese tipo de comentarios "paz y flores" para todo el mundo, aparecen solamente cuando Israel se defiende.
    Adonde estaba Charlei cuando explotaban bombas en pizzerias, cumpleanios, casamientos, universidades y la sangre israeli se derramaba en el medio de una "tregua" anunciada por Hamas?
    Adonde estaban los "charlei" cuando Hezbollah se estaba organizando y armando hasta los dientes bajo la mirada complaciente del gobierno titere de Libano?
    Respuesta: no estaban en ningun lado, porque solo tienen opinion cuando Israel se defiende, no se interesan cuando un asesino suicida se "va al cielo con 70 virgenes", mientras tambien se lleva la vida se ancianos, mujeres y chicos israelies.
    Dspués, hay que leer a los judeofobos disfrazados de "observadores imparciales" que dicen muy ascepticamente que la desfensa de Israel es exesiva.(esos son mucho peores que los "paz y flores" porque esconden su judeofobia detras de un pretendido "analisis imparcial" lleno de cinismo)

  4. Como dice Pilar Rahola, víctimas inocentes son unicamente las que caen bajo las armas de Israel. Nunca los judíos. Todo el mundo sabe que son casi humanos.


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