Jul 25, 2006

Jurados voluntarios

Muy interesante, este autor sostiene que EEUU debe eliminar el “servicio de jurado” obligatorio actual y adoptar uno voluntario, como se hizo con el servicio militar:

The present jury selection system is unjust and inefficient. Compulsory jury duty violates the very principle of freedom at the heart of our constitutional republic. And imposing high implicit taxes on jurors—by paying them far less than the wages at which they would voluntarily offer their services—misallocates labor and imposes a net loss on society.

The Free State should be the first to end the jury "draft" and institute an all-volunteer jury, replacing the threat of coercion with the consent of the governed.

Justice requires that government limit itself to its legitimate functions—to protect "life, liberty, and property." In a free society, the greatest scope should be given to the private sector—to minimize the use of force. Those principles have served America well and have attracted millions of oppressed people to our shores. But they have not always been followed.

1 comment:

  1. http://lacienciamaldita.blogspot.com/2006/07/and-in-middle-of-negotiations-you_24.html


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