Jul 17, 2006

La Guerra Israel - Hezbollah

Muy interesante, de HiWired (visto en Instapundit):


You would think that the War currently going on between Israel and the terrorist group Hezbollah would not be a topic that would apply to a tech blog.

You would be wrong.

There are two unique angles to this war involving technology, the first is this:

The internet coverage is more interesting, more informative and more up-to-date than any mainstream source. This is for two reasons:

1. The internet can draw the reports of many mainstream sources together in a single place

2. You have first hand reporting from Israel, Gaza, Egypt, Iraq and Lebanon.

This are first hand reports of people actually seeing what is going on they are providing a human perspective to what is happening, but this is NOT the most unique thing that technology has done vis a vis a war.

The second and the most amazing part is the role of blogs and bloggers.

You basically have bloggers on both sides of the conflict telling their stories and making their case to the world.

The Pajamas Media and The Truth Laid Bear blog sites are providing and collecting coverage from blogs in the area. At a single click you can see what people in Lebanon, Gaza and Israel are saying. Not only that because of the nature of blogging both sides have access to the others blogs and can comment back and forth as we can.

Think about it. Rather than going through diplomatic channels the actual people under attack can converse comment and argue their respective sides to each other with only the ability to post (electrical power) as the limitation. This is unheard of in the history of the world. In addition they can debate and discuss the situation with the entire world either to justify, appeal, condemn or cajole the reader to act.

This is history being made by the people making it. Of course if you are dodging rockets or bombs the idea of making history online doesn't seem all that important, yet it is important all the same, both for people involved and not involved to understand what is going on.

Personally I'd just as soon everybody have a quiet life and not have to make history in this fashion, but as this is not the reality on the ground we can only be amazed as ordinary people do extrodinary reporting thanks to modern technology.

May they all live to appreciate what they are doing and may all of us fortunate enough to be far away from the dangers and horrors of war be be grateful for their efforts.

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