Jul 16, 2006

Más sobre lo que decía hace unos días. Les dejo esta poesía de Sergio Flores, un comentarista de lujo.

Parece mentira, pero hay tanta, pero tanta, gente que piensa así. Estos judíos, tener el tupé de no dejarse matar, como Dios manda:

Ah, the Good Ol' Days
when we could just kick them and
kill them,
rape them and rob them,
and they cried,
and we laughed,
and we did it again,
those good ol' days
are never coming back?
We kick them and they break our legs!
We kill just ten of them,
and they kill 80 of us!
Where is this going to stop?
Who gave them the right to do as they do,
the right to fight back?
They should obey the law!
The law states clearly that
if you are a Jew, you take my
blows in the gut, you cry when I
kick your child,
you die if I want you to
and you never,
fight back:
that would be bad.
What is the world coming to
when I can't kill a Jew and
laugh in their faces?
Who gave them the right?
Who said they could fight?
Ah? Ah?

1 comment:

  1. Si te digo que no lo leo, no irás a creer también que será por judeofobia, no?


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