Jul 8, 2006

Thomas Sowell sobre Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, un presidente progresista si los hubo:

A special issue of Time magazine celebrates the historic career of Theodore Roosevelt and the implications of his presidency for the development of American society. In the phony familiarity of our times, where you call people by their first names when you have never even met them, the cover story in this issue is titled "Teddy."

Theodore Roosevelt was indeed a landmark figure in the development of American politics and government, but in a very different sense from the way he is portrayed in Time magazine. In fact, the way that Theodore Roosevelt has been celebrated by many in the media and among the intelligentsia tells us more about them than about the first President Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, is seen in this undated picture. (AP Photo)

It also tells us something about what has gone wrong with American society.

Aside from questions of flamboyant style and rhetoric, what did Theodore Roosevelt actually accomplish that would justify putting him on Mount Rushmore, alongside Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln?


  1. A vos que te interesa el tema, sabés cual parece que fue uno de los presidentes más liberales (en sentido latino) de EEUU? Parece que Martin Van Buren.
    Mirá acá

  2. Gracias, Marcos, muy interesante.

  3. Muy interesante esto, Sergio, no conocía este episodio. Qué lujo el de Chile, casi ir a guerra con EEUU en plena etapa imperial.

    Pero, como siempre, nosotros les ganamos. Tuvimos una guerra contra la OTAN en plena Guerra Fría. Qué me cuentas. :-)


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