Aug 26, 2006

¿El libertarianismo se viene con todo?

Ser un libertario es muchas cosas, dependiendo de a quien se le pregunte. Pero, en general, creo yo que la mayoría de las personas que se autocatalogan en ese sector ideológico consideran que la libertad es central en todos los órdenes de la vida.

Johan Norberg sostiene que el libertarianismo, lejos de estar muerto, goza de excelente salud y que estamos en pleno auge de políticas libertarias. Yo no estoy tan seguro, pero espero que tenga razón:

Last week, Michael Lind wrote in Financial Times that libertarianism is dead, since it has not seen any major political breakthroughs for a decade. By that standard, socialism was dead 100 years ago. Today Mattias Bengtsson, president of the Center for the New Europe, responds:

"I would even say that if you look for a real and viable vision for the future, the only one available is more or less libertarian. Since the mid-1990s there has, for example, been an explosion of libertarian think-tank activity in Europe. The network of European free market think-tanks - the Stockholm Network - now has more than 130 members.

Coming from Sweden I also notice that, on many of the issues Mr Lind mentions, my home country is turning towards libertarian practice. Sweden adopted school vouchers in the early 1990s. Many Swedish children now attend private, for-profit schools. The Swedish governmental pension system has been reformed - the system will never pay out more than comes in, and it is partly privatised and fully funded. Major state-owned companies have been sold out, many markets deregulated. Even nuclear power plants have been sold to foreign owners. There is no minimum wage. Immigration from the 25 European Union members is free.

The socialist government, with the support of the former Communist party, recently abolished the inheritance tax and the gift tax. Healthcare is to a growing degree produced by private companies - one of the largest hospitals in Stockholm is owned by a for-profit company listed on the stock exchange. The underground in the capital is run by a French company. The taxi business is open for entry and without regulation regarding fares. And the Swedish edition of Ayn Rand´s Atlas Shrugged has sold more than 10,000 copies since last year. This is just to mention a few examples."

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