Aug 9, 2006

Falla institucional

De Elena por mail sobre el fiasco de Reuters, una agencia de noticias seria y profesional si las hay. En fin, parece que por fin se reconoce el rol de los bloggers, principalmente LGF, en la detección de todo esto:

But Reuters is not a purely innocent victim of a rogue photographer. Hajj's handiwork should have been discovered by any competent photo editor. Consider this: Power Line has published examples of two photos sent to the world's media showing the same building in Beirut in ruins. One of the photos says it is evidence of an attack on July 24th, and the other photo says it is evidence of an Israeli attack on August 5th.

It should have been easy for any photo editor with two functioning eyeballs to detect the summer rerun of the photo. A very distinctive building with a multi-story geometric pattern on its wall stands adjacent to the wreckage and was clearly visible in both photos. There is no other word than "negligence" to describe this kind of editing. The only reasonable alternative is "complicity."

Since the alleged indiscriminate and widespread bombing of Beirut is a cardinal propaganda theme of Hiz b'allah and its allies, repetitive use of the same photo as evidence of multiple attacks makes Reuters an ally of the terror group, fighting the information war on its behalf.

Experts in the field of public relations counsel getting on top of a problem when an organization is in a damage control situation. Staying ahead of your critics by quickly investigating and revealing the entire extent of the problem is the only way to go. Reuters has violated this well-accepted principle by refusing to admit that it has a serious problem with its photo editing.

1 comment:

  1. De una amiga por mail:

    Thanks for sharing. But frankly - we are now mourning the death of our young brave men; some of them did not have the chance to begot children yet. And worry about the others who are willing to give their lives for safe life for the Israeli civilians. We just can't fight all the frauds and lies and misunderstanding of the world. We are simply fighting for our lives. And this is not just a phrase.


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