Aug 20, 2006

¿Los equipos de visión infrarroja de origen inglés que utiliza Hezbollah fueron exportados a Irán e iban a ser usados por las Naciones Unidas?

No se puede creer:

Israeli intelligence officials have complained to Britain and the United States that sensitive night-vision equipment recovered from Hezbollah fighters during the war in Lebanon had been exported by Britain to Iran. British officials said the equipment had been intended for use in a U.N. anti-narcotics campaign.

Israeli officials say they believe the state-of-the-art equipment, found in Hezbollah command-and-control headquarters in southern Lebanon during the just-concluded war, was part of a British government-approved shipment of 250 pieces of night-vision equipment sent to Iran in 2003.

Qué tal si nos dejamos de joder de una vez por todas y les cambiamos el nombre a Dictaduras Unidas.

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