Aug 20, 2006

Max Boot piensa que Israel, a pesar de no haber obtenido la temprana victoria a la que está acostumbrado, va a ser el último beneficiario en este conflicto:

Now will come the political reckoning. Some might see this fractiousness as a sign of weakness. Just the opposite is true. Arab societies tend to attribute their shortcomings to outsiders, a failing apparent in a meeting in Jerusalem last week with Palestinian peace negotiator Saeb Erekat, who blamed the prevalence of autocracy and theocracy in the Middle East on (who else?) the West. Israelis, by contrast, look within for the source of their misfortune. That allows them to correct what went wrong and get stronger in the future. This process is now underway, and Israel's enemies would be well advised not to underestimate that nation's fighting capacity, no matter how wrenching the debate.

Texto completo aquí.

1 comment:

  1. Tiene razón en la descripción que hace y espero que tenga razón también en los resultados.


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