Aug 23, 2006

Max Boot: Israel Should Hit Syria First
"It is, of course, hard for a liberal democracy such as Israel to contemplate war if it hasn't been attacked directly — and Syria has been careful to avoid direct attacks on Israel. (It prefers to fight to the last Lebanese.) Israelis naturally prefer peace. But the choice they face isn't between war and peace. It is between war sooner and on their own terms, or war later and on the enemy's terms. Ignoring the threat and hoping that it goes away isn't a serious option. That's the mistake Israel made with Hezbollah over the last six years."


  1. Luis, no te pierdas la discusión que estamos teniendo MarcosKtulu y yo sobre este tema en Libertad y Razón.

  2. Me alegro de ver que por lo menos en tu blog no deja comentarios con insultos. Ya es un avance.


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