Aug 22, 2006

Punto de no retorno

El maestro Thomas Sowell con la claridad de siempre sobre los riesgos que enfrenta la civilización occidental. Insisto con lo que vengo diciendo, no me preocupa la fortaleza de nuestros enemigos, sino nuestra propia debilidad:

What kind of people provide a market for videotaped beheadings of innocent hostages? What kind of people would throw an old man in a wheelchair off a cruise liner into the sea, simply because he was Jewish? What kind of people would fly planes into buildings to vent their hate at the cost of their own lives?

These are the kinds of people we are talking about getting nuclear weapons. And what of ourselves?

Do we understand that the world will never be the same after hate-filled fanatics gain the ability to wipe whole American cities off the face of the earth? Do we still imagine that they can be bought off, as Israel was urged to buy them off with "land for peace" -- a peace that has proved to be wholly illusory?

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