Oct 25, 2006

Más sobre las elecciones parlamentarias en EEUU. Para Thomas Sowell, no se trata de elegir entre palomas y halcones, sino de explícitamente empeñarnos en hacer como las avestruces, que esconden la cabeza debajo de la tierra:

That fate hangs grimly in the balance as two irresponsible regimes in North Korea and Iran seek to gain nuclear weapons. Neither leader of these regimes can be deterred by threats of nuclear retaliation, as the Soviet Union was deterred.

Both are like Hitler, who was willing to see his own people decimated and his own country reduced to rubble rather than quit when it was obvious to all that he could not win. If you can imagine Hitler with a few nuclear weapons to use to vent his all-consuming hatreds in a lost cause, you can see what a nuclear North Korea or a nuclear Iran would mean for America and the world.

It is obscene that our media should be obsessed with some jerk in Congress who wrote dirty e-mails to Congressional pages -- and was forced out of Congress for it -- when this nation faces dangers of this magnitude.


  1. Creo que con Corea del Norte e Iran hemos perdido el tren. Y creo que la historia va a ser implacable con nuestra generacion, de la misma forma que lo es con el mundo occidental de la decada del 30 del siglo pasado.

  2. Yo todavía tengo esperanzas. Espero honestamente que tengan razón todos los que dicen que se exagera con el riesgo que representan Corea del Norte e Irán con armas nucleares.


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