Oct 25, 2006

Somos todos herejes

Relacionado con este post anterior sobre la publicación ambientalista que propone juicios por crímenes de guerra para los escépticos sobre el “calentamiento global”, muy interesante columna en Reason sobre el rol de la herejía en la ciencia:

Basically what climate avengers and DDT defenders propose to do is try their opponents for heresy. Heresies are any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position. There are no heresies in science—there are theories that have wide assent among experts but all theories are perpetually open to criticism and revision. So instead of heresy trials, let's stick to scientific free speech and let scientists and policy types argue out the meaning of data, experiments and proposed programs in public. Scientific understanding advances through the application of what Brookings Institution fellow, Jonathan Rauch calls the Liberal Principle: Checking of each by each through public criticism is the only legitimate way to decide who is right.

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