Nov 24, 2006

Hace unos días Ramiro escribía por acá sobre los comentarios racistas de Michael Richards, el actor que hacía de Kramer en Seinfeld. Personalmente todo el incidente me pareció muy lamentable, pero hoy leo este artículo sobre el tema. Muy interesante punto de vista:

When someone like Mr. Richards makes a bunch of stupid comments he’s immediately crucified and no one seems to have the courage to point out that it was merely some angry words from an emotionally disturbed man, it wasn’t homicide.

How many people know that the blacks at that table were referring to Richards as a “white cracker”?

Evidently, it’s okay to be pejorative toward whites if you’re black. In fact, it’s acceptable for blacks to use scurrilous language toward other blacks, as is often heard in the lyrics of rap music. Moreover, blacks can use similarly disparaging words toward other ethnic groups and refer to women in the vilest type of street language imaginable.

The question is: do blacks have some special privileges granted to them by the Constitutional description of freedom of speech?

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