Siguiendo con este tema, al final la Cámara de los Comunes aprobó, con muy pocos votos en contra, el proyecto presentado por el Primer Ministro Stephen Harper de reconocer el estatus de nación de Québec dentro de un Canadá unido.
Todo un tema. Hay mucha gente preocupada:
Many argue that the trouble for federalist politicians is that the concept of "nation" is too vague, and makes for a messy, divisive national debate.
In a cultural sense, the word is used in Quebec even by Premier Jean Charest, an ardent foe of separatists.
Liberal leadership candidate Ken Dryden, who says he will support Harper's motion, nevertheless said the debate is a "cause of divide across the country."
"The principle problem is you have a word like nation that's the same six letters in English and French, but have very different meanings," he told CTV's Question Period.
"In English, nation is a country - sovereign, independent and separate. In Quebec, nation can be absolutely something within a country.
There can be many nations in a particular country... leaving us with an open-ended definition that is trouble not just for (Liberals), but for everybody."
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