Interesante artículo sobre los innumerables fracasos y permanentes contradicciones de la izquierda. Me quedo con esta parte:
The demand for the abolition of Israel is particularly grotesque coming from the Left, in that Israel is the only place on earth where basic ideas of the traditional Left were implemented without the famines and impoverishment typical of the USSR, Red China under Mao, and elsewhere. During Turkish and British rule in Palestine, much of the land that was purchased for Jewish settlement was devoted to the kibbutzim, collectives organized along utopian socialist lines. There were eventually more than 250 of these communal, worker-owned productive enterprises, and at their height they comprised 130,000 members, accounted for a significant part of Israel's gross domestic product, and contributed disproportionately to its political culture. If people who call themselves "Left" were serious about alternatives to private capitalism, then one might expect them to be concerned about the survival of the one country on the planet where an experiment in the actual practice of Socialism achieved a partial success, in contrast to the disasters everywhere else.
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