Dec 25, 2006

Six Words

All over Iraq these men and women - old enough to have children, but young enough to be someone's child - all over Iraq they will be calling home this day, or e-mailing, or instant messaging; renewing the connection between parent and child; or child and parent.

Each renewal will end with the same six words, six words I share with you this day and which come from my heart and from the hearts of every person who is here to do this vitally important job.

You can watch them - even the battle-hardened Marines - as they are on our phones, staring across the 10,000 miles between a desk in the Green Room, in the Palace, in Baghdad and the phone on the wall of their mom's kitchen. They stare, and they listen.

And then so quietly.
And so gently.
And so tenderly.

These tough, young war-fighters; just before they have to hang up the phone and break that most cherished connection, they each say the same six words which end the conversation:
"Merry Christmas; I love you, too."

Copyright © 2006 Barrington Worldwide, LLC

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