De Carlos, otro comentarista de lujo del blog, en un comentario a este post. Creo que vale la pena:
El 99,99 % de los que preconizan que “war is not the answer” no tiene argumentos lógicos para enfrentar planteos como el de Larry Elder. Lo que hacen es recurrir al clásico artilugio progre de enojarse y descalificar a quien le hace la pregunta acusándolo de belicista, troglodita, asesino o cosas por el estilo.
Dice un escritor americano que, debido a su terrible mala fe, los “liberals” justifican su punto de vista repitiendo incesantemente la conclusión, sin dar explicaciones lógicas de cómo llegaron a ella. Por ejemplo: “La Guerra no es la solución, es una salvajada, etc., etc.”. Cuando se les pregunta las razones por las que opinan de esa manera, repiten nuevamente la conclusión como si ella fuera el argumento que, por supuesto, no creen que necesite ser expuesto. Para ellos, el pacifismo es un artículo de fe que no puede ser discutido ni necesita ser explicado.
El Weekly Standard publica en la revista de hoy un artículo optimista de Fred Barnes sobre la Guerra de Irak:
It turns out you only have to attend a White House Christmas party to find out where President Bush is headed on Iraq. One guest who shook hands with Bush in the receiving line told him, "Don't let the bastards get you down." Bush, slightly startled but cheerful, replied, "Don't worry. I'm not." The guest followed up: "I think we can win in Iraq." The president's reply was emphatic: "We're going to win." Another guest informed Bush he'd given some advice to the Iraq Study Group, and said its report should be ignored. The president chuckled and said he'd made his position clear when he appeared with British prime minister Tony Blair. The report had never mentioned the possibility of American victory. Bush's goal in Iraq, he said at the photo-op with Blair, is "victory."
Now Bush is ready to gamble his presidency on a last-ditch effort to defeat the Sunni insurgency and establish a sustainable democracy in Iraq. He is prepared to defy the weary wisdom of Washington that it's too late, that the war in Iraq is lost, and that Bush's lone option is to retreat from Iraq as gracefully and with as little loss of face as possible. Bush only needed what his press secretary, Tony Snow, called a "plan for winning." Now he has one.
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