Jan 4, 2007

Cuba v2.0

Mario Loyola sobre los ya innegables paralelismos entre los “procesos revolucionarios” de la Cuba de Castro y la Venezuela de Chávez. Me pregunto qué tiene que pasar para que nos demos cuenta:

For students of the Cuban Revolution, it was an ill omen to hear Hugo Chávez in the final weeks of Venezuela’s presidential campaign proclaiming that “there is no longer room in Venezuela for any project other than the Bolivarian Revolution.” Sure enough, just one month after his reelection victory, Chávez is moving against both opposition parties and opposition press. Venezuela is staring into the abyss of fascism.

1 comment:

  1. Y como la Alemania del 30, el tirano ha llegado de la mano del voto popular. Se vienen décadas de autocrítica por parte del pueblo venezolano.


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