Jan 7, 2007

La corrección política no perdona

No se pierdan este post de Ramiro sobre el ranking de las materias universitarias más extrañas de los EEUU. No quiero que quede enterrado entre todos los otros posts.

El mejor sistema universitario del mundo elige suicidarse lentamente. Me pregunto cuánto falta para que algún otro país aproveche el vacío.

Mi preferido, sin duda, el curso de la Universidad Amherst, "Taking Marx Seriously". Qué grande, "Should Marx be given another chance?". ¿Hace falta realmente tomar una material en la universidad para obtener la respuesta?

Honestamente impresionante:

The problem that the Young America's Foundation list, first issued in 1995, highlights isn't simply the hollowing-out of the traditional humanities and social sciences disciplines at colleges and their replacement by crude indoctrination sessions in whatever is ideologically fashionable — although that's a serious issue. At Occidental, for instance, it seems nearly impossible to study any field, save for the hard sciences, that doesn't include "race, class and gender" among its topics. Even the Shakespeare course at Occidental this semester focuses on "cultural anxieties over authority, race, colonialism and religion" during the age of the Bard.

The bigger problem is that too much of American higher education has lost any notion of what its students ought to know about the ideas and people and movements that created the civilization in which they live: Who Plato was or what happened at Appomattox.

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