Jan 5, 2007

Más sobre este post de Luis sobre sus amigos los demócratas:

House Democrats plan to pass a pile of legislation in their first 100 hours, bringing the measures quickly to the floor without committee hearings. These are issues they campaigned on last year and that do well in polls at first blush, such as a higher minimum wage, price controls on prescription drugs and "ethics reform." The rush is supposed to show Democratic resolve to get things done, but it's enough to make us wonder if they're afraid that some of their ideas won't hold up under scrutiny. Take an increase in the federal minimum wage -- to $7.25 an hour in 2009 from $5.15. This was a big hit with Big Labor, and even President Bush has endorsed it in principle. Still, there are negative consequences when the government increases labor costs, and they deserve to be aired, not muffled. No serious economist disputes that a higher wage floor will reduce employment. The debate is only over how many people will lose their jobs.


  1. Yo digo...la gente o el periodismo es inepto cuando habla de que los demócratas se van a acercar hacia Latino América?

    Si tuviera dos dedos de frente se daría cuenta que son proteccionistas de pura cepa, por lo tanto la relación económica no existe.

    Y la relación política no sé, pero hablar de un acercamiento tan grande es falaz y mentiroso.

  2. You are right on the money, Ivan, right on the money. Pero por el momento los Dems son lo opuesto a Bush, y por lo tanto son los "amigos"

  3. Ojo que para pasar e4stas leyes tienen que negociar sí o sí con los republicanos en el senado.


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