Jan 29, 2007

Relacionado con lo que comentaba hace unos días sobre el etanol, Liberty Bell me manda este artículo sobre los riesgos de pasar del cultivo de alimentos al de biocombustibles. Tal vez sea exagerado, pero creo que sirve para entender que en el tema de la energía, como en tantos otros, no hay almuerzo gratis:

Switching more land from food to biofuel production raises the risk of future famines, a conference organised by the Soil Association, the country's leading organic certification body, was told.

"This (an expansion in land used for biofuels) sacrifices food security for an illusion of energy security," Peter Melchett, policy director for the association said at its two-day annual conference which ends on Saturday.

Melchett said it was estimated in the European Union that 18 percent of arable land would be needed to produce one to two percent of the region's transport fuels.

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