Feb 9, 2007

A pesar de no tener mucha afinidad con gran parte de la base doctrinaria del partido republicano, mi voto probablemente siempre va a ir al partido conservador. Hago mías las palabras de Arnold Kling, un libertario que explica porqué no cuadra la alianza con los demócratas que propone Brink Lindsey.

Why not, instead, follow Brink Lindsey's suggestion and try to forge a common bond between libertarians and liberals?

Briefly, my answer boils down to two points.

1) The Republican base is more naturally favorable toward limited government than is the Democratic base.

2) I find it a challenge trying to persuade religious conservatives to loosen the relationship between their religious beliefs and their political agenda. However, I find it even more of a challenge to deal with the Left, where their political agenda is their religion.

(Visto en Instapundit)


  1. "I find it even more of a challenge to deal with the Left, where their political agenda is their religion."

    Pienso exactamente lo mismo.

  2. Mira este video, muy bueno.

  3. "If we say that Elton John looks like..." ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja...!!!


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