Apr 6, 2007

Relacionado con este post de Luis que se refería a la vergonzosa actuación de los soldados británicos en el conflicto con Irán, a este comentarista no le tiembla nada a la hora de cantar su postura:

"England expects that every man will do his duty," said Admiral Lord Nelson off Cape Trafalgar in October 1805.

He lost his life in the ensuing battle with the combined fleets of France and Spain - but his stunning victory set Napoleon on the road to ruin and established Nelson indisputably as the greatest of his nation's numberless naval heroes.

We strain to imagine what the old sea dog would have made of that sorry gaggle of British sailors and Marines - waving and smiling, decked out in cheesy duds and clutching swagbags stuffed with goodies from the mullahs: books, candies, pistachio nuts and even a bud vase or two.

How sweet.

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