May 19, 2007


Como comentaba por acá hace unos días, se viene la última producción del ídolo del progresismo hipócrita internacional, Michael Moore, que había desaparecido desde su destacada actuación piantavotos en la campaña política de Kerry.

Resulta que el valiente cineasta norteamericano viajó a Cuba a filmar escenas de su último mockumentary sobre los sistemas de salud. Ya saben, como el sistema de salud cubano es una maravilla y encima gratis, sirve para criticar el de EEUU, que es muy malo y caro.

Lo mismo de siempre, esta gente es tan atorrante que ni siquiera se dan por enterados de que mientras ellos se dedican al más obsceno chupaculismo del régimen cubano, en esa isla hay miles de personas que se pudren en las cárceles por hacer exactamente lo mismo que hace Moore en su país: criticar el sistema.

Si hubiera estado vivo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial sin duda de visita por Treblinka y Auschwitz hubiera filmado documentales alabando a los nazis. Lo que se dice un asco:

There’s been much made recently about the vaunted Cuban medical system since propagandist Michael Moore traveled to Havana with 9/11 heroes in tow searching for "free" health care. It’s Mr. Moore’s idea of a clever way to criticize America and the capitalist system he exploits so brilliantly. Of course, it never actually occurred to him that while he was "free" to film in Cuba there were political prisons suffering in Castro’s gulags simply for doing exactly what Moore thinks is his sole universal right; speaking out. A big mouth coupled with a small mind is a dangerous combination.

That Moore would use his craft to spew the Castro party line isn’t surprising when you consider they are both geniuses at hypocrisy and self-promotion. Castro supposedly wanted power in order to depose a dictator and re-establish the "power of the people," but nearly five decades later without an election, he has become one of history’s most despicable tyrants, the full indictment of whom won’t be known until the inevitable fall of his particularly vehement brand of communism in Havana. Moore, for his part, pretends to care about social issues so long as he makes bundles of cash; only pathologically anti-American leftists don’t seem to notice or care.

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