Jun 22, 2007

Lo hizo Kirchner?

Here's the wine world's equivalent of a man-bites-dog story: In the first four months of this year, the U.S. imported almost 50% more wine from Argentina than from its neighbor Chile. This represents a big change: As recently as 2000, Chile exported almost five times as much wine to the U.S. as Argentina did. Even just last year, Chile's imports were about one-third higher than Argentina's. But now, imports from Argentina are so strong that they've outstripped almost all other countries, and aren't far below the figure for France. We're sure there are many reasons for this related to trade policies and such, but to us it all comes down to one word: Malbec.


  1. lo hicimos los argentinos que nos deslomamos para que a nuestro pais le vaya cada dia un poquito mejor.

  2. Ya me parecía. Vaya un aplauso para el lomo anónimo.


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