Jun 3, 2007

What if Israelis had abducted BBC man?

Más sobre el doble estándar permanente de gran parte de los medios de comunicación internacionales. ¿Qué hubiera pasado si en lugar de ser un grupo terrorista palestino el que secuestró a Alan Johnston, el periodista de la BBC, se hubiera tratado de un grupo israelí?

Watching the horrible video of Alan Johnston of the BBC broadcasting Palestinian propaganda under orders from his kidnappers, I found myself asking what it would have been like had he been kidnapped by Israelis, and made to do the same thing the other way round.

The first point is that it would never happen. There are no Israeli organizations - governmental or freelance - that would contemplate such a thing. That fact is itself significant.

But just suppose that some fanatical Jews had grabbed Mr Johnston and forced him to spout their message, abusing his own country as he did so. What would the world have said?

There would have been none of the caution which has characterized the response of the BBC and of the Government since Mr Johnston was abducted on March 12. The Israeli government would immediately have been condemned for its readiness to harbor terrorists or its failure to track them down.

Loud would have been the denunciations of the extremist doctrines of Zionism which had given rise to this vile act. The world isolation of Israel, if it failed to get Mr Johnston freed, would have been complete.

If Mr Johnston had been forced to broadcast saying, for example, that Israel was entitled to all the territories held since the Six-Day War, and calling on the release of all Israeli soldiers held by Arab powers in return for his own release, his words would have been scorned. The cause of Israel in the world would have been irreparably damaged by thus torturing him on television. No one would have been shy of saying so.

(Visto en Instapundit)


  1. Por supuesto, excelente el articulo.

    Un comentario de un lector:

    "...how Britain can forget the V1 and V2 attacks on her civilians in WWII, yet ignore the Kassam attacks on Srdoit and Southern Israel is beyond intelligent comprehension."

  2. Recién lo leí, vengo acá y también lo posteaste :) Está bueno el artículo.
    De paso comparto éste, sobre el boicot académico británico contra Israel: Masturbación moral


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