Jul 21, 2007

Cristina Fernandez, la verguenza recien empieza

"Argentine First Lady and Senator Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner heads into her first day of campaigning for president, pledging to extend the economic agenda of her husband that she said rescued the country. "
"Fernandez, 54, kicked off her campaign last night before a crowd of 2,000 supporters who watched a video of her featuring U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and the Colombian pop star Shakira."
"President Nestor Kirchner, 57, leaves office Dec. 10. His successor will inherit an energy crisis, the second-fastest inflation in South America after Venezuela and slowing economic growth. "
"She said her husband's policies had improved the quality of life for millions of Argentines and criticized "neoliberal'' economics that she said Argentina followed in the 1990s."
"How did we reduce the unemployment rate?'' she rhetorically asked her supporters. "How did we raise wages? How did we cut our debt? How did we get rid of the International Monetary Fund? There is no mystery,'' she said. "It's the economic model, with a clear focus on industry.''
"Energy investments in Argentina have shrunk since a freeze on electricity rates went into effect in 2002, leading to shortages for companies and rolling blackouts."

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