Muy interesante análisis de la economía mundial en el WSJ de hoy:
"The volatility of world stock markets last week should not distract attention from the fact that the world economy is currently experiencing a level of growth unsurpassed in human history. World growth has been running at close to 5% for over three years -- the highest level since the late 1960s."
"The growth rates of nearly 120 countries will exceed 4% this year. There are only four economies in the world likely to experience negative output growth during 2007 -- North Korea, Zimbabwe, Somalia and Fiji."
Pobre Kirchner, él pensaba que el crecimiento era sólo argentino.
Esta década va a pasar a la historia como la GRAN oportunidad desperdiciada por latinoamerica. En lugar de abrirnos al mundo para ser parte de la bonanza de estos tiempos, hemos decidido que debíamos probar con un Chávez, un Evo o un Néstor.
Así nos va.
Y digo oportunidad desperdiciada, porque como dice el autor, la bonanza puede tener su fin (pronto):
The great threat to the boom is that the U.S. will lose confidence in the free market ideology which allowed the global economy to take off during the 1990s. All the Democratic presidential candidates are proposing protectionist trade policies. Congressional Democrats and Republicans are threatening China with trade sanctions if it does not revalue its currency more quickly. Other Democrats want to block the proposed free trade agreement with South Korea. If the U.S. moves in a protectionist direction, it will jeopardize both the import of low-cost manufactured goods which restrains U.S. inflation and the large flows of capital compensating for America's budget deficit and low household savings rate. Such shocks would threaten both America's prosperity and the new global economic equilibrium now sustaining high growth in the developing countries.
"The volatility of world stock markets last week should not distract attention from the fact that the world economy is currently experiencing a level of growth unsurpassed in human history. World growth has been running at close to 5% for over three years -- the highest level since the late 1960s."
"The growth rates of nearly 120 countries will exceed 4% this year. There are only four economies in the world likely to experience negative output growth during 2007 -- North Korea, Zimbabwe, Somalia and Fiji."
Pobre Kirchner, él pensaba que el crecimiento era sólo argentino.
Esta década va a pasar a la historia como la GRAN oportunidad desperdiciada por latinoamerica. En lugar de abrirnos al mundo para ser parte de la bonanza de estos tiempos, hemos decidido que debíamos probar con un Chávez, un Evo o un Néstor.
Así nos va.
Y digo oportunidad desperdiciada, porque como dice el autor, la bonanza puede tener su fin (pronto):
The great threat to the boom is that the U.S. will lose confidence in the free market ideology which allowed the global economy to take off during the 1990s. All the Democratic presidential candidates are proposing protectionist trade policies. Congressional Democrats and Republicans are threatening China with trade sanctions if it does not revalue its currency more quickly. Other Democrats want to block the proposed free trade agreement with South Korea. If the U.S. moves in a protectionist direction, it will jeopardize both the import of low-cost manufactured goods which restrains U.S. inflation and the large flows of capital compensating for America's budget deficit and low household savings rate. Such shocks would threaten both America's prosperity and the new global economic equilibrium now sustaining high growth in the developing countries.
Ramiro, Ramiro, vos y estos pibes del WSJ no entienden nada de nada. Te lo vuelvo a repetir, el camino al desarrollo y la prosperidad pasa por la Venezuela de Chávez y la Bolivia de Evo. Olvidate de Chile, Irlanda o España.