Sep 6, 2007

El modelo "Disneyland"

Los accidentes de tránsito cuestan miles de vida y miles de millones de dólares al año en EEUU. ¿Cómo reducir su número?

Este autor propone transferir el registro automotor y la expedición de licencias para conducir a las compañías de seguros. Es decir, imitar el modelo de la industria marítima. Estoy seguro de que sería un avance extraordinario:

If auto insurers had the job of licensing drivers and registering vehicles -- a role, incidentally, that insurers have in the maritime industry -- they would be forced to adopt what I refer to as the "Disneyland" model. In Disneyland, customers are covered by the company's liability insurance. Consequently, to reduce risk the management restricts who may use which facilities and under what circumstances. For instance, in order to ride the California Screamin' roller coaster, you must be at least four feet tall and should not be pregnant, have high blood pressure or suffer from heart, back or neck problems.

Since the business is held strictly liable for any injuries suffered by those entering the park, management makes every effort to enforce the park's safety rules.

Private licensing and registration would work the same way. Because they would be insuring the drivers and cars they license, insurance companies would be vigorous in their testing and car-safety requirements, letting only qualified individuals venture out onto the roadways. They would be more likely to ferret out those unqualified to drive, from those whose driving abilities have become compromised with age or habitual substance abuse to those who have been ticketed on more than one occasion for reckless or aggressive driving. Such high-risk individuals are now cut far too much slack in most states.


  1. No tenes remedio. Sos un salvaje neo-liberal.

  2. Sera correcta esa cifra ?, yo vivo y conduzco en NY, miles y miles de autos y solo de vez en cuando hay un accidente mortal. En general todos manejan muy bien, se respetan las señeles,las velocidades, los semaforos, etc.Claro que este pais es enorme, pero igualmente me parecen muchos muertos,tengo mis serias dudas.

  3. yep, los numeros son los correctos. no te olvides que EE.UU. es el pais con mas poblacion despues de China e India.

    Comparado con Argentina:

    Muertos por cada 100 mil habitantes

    Arg 17.5
    USA 13.0

    Muertos por cada 100 mil automotores

    Arg 58.3
    USA 15.6

  4. Héctor, creo que como todo es relativo, es según con qué se compara. Comparando a esta región con Buenos Aires o la Argentina en general, EEUU y Canadá son una maravilla. Pero, comparando a Québec con otras provincias del país, no lo es tanto. Creo que en EEUU pasa lo mismo.


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